Courtney Alexander Jennifer Allen •Gregory Altimas Samantha

Anderson Cassandra Andreotti Stephanie Andrews Nicole Austin Jonathan Avery Alexander Baker Sarah Balkan Jessica Barnaby Jason Barrette Riley Barrows Britney Bazinet Kelsey Belcher Elizabeth Bestford Jonathan Blake Andrew Bourque Kiana Bowe Eve Brickley Rachel Brown Michael Brownell Drew Buckland Candice Burke Madison Burke Matthew Butchard Hailey Butler Jakob Byrne John Byrne Nathan Cabral Daunte Caesar Erin Cahill Hayli Cairns Colin Caristi Paxton Caristi Mitchell Carolan Hannah Carrita Heather Case Morghan Casino Ryan Catania Bryan Chambers Yao Chen Lauren Chicco Gabriela Christian John Clancy Alexander Clifford Julie Collins Mary Connolly Stephen Cook Caitlin Cooney Dillon Corte-Real John Costello Kelly Costello Daniel Cowick Amanda Cox Claire Creedon Scott Crocker Emily Crowley Jonathan Cubetus Cameron Cullotta Leeanne Cummings Kyle Currier Calvin Cutler Brian Daly Henry Daniels- Koch Sarah Deane Cullan Demianczyk Evan Denmark Michael Deptula Emily Desmarais Michael DeCoste Michelle DeLuca Shane Doherty Kylie Dolan David Do- nahue Jr Lisa Duerr Griffin Dunkley Meagan Eccleston Garrett Esborn Eric Fagerberg Riley Faherty Catherine Felicetti Oliver Fisher Sarah Fishman Katherine Flynn Kylie Foster Patrick Fox Taryn Gaffney Olivia Gagnon Kristina Gajdarikova Madison Gale Laman Jacob Ganley Kenna Garrison Catherine Gaudet Erin Gendreau Lucas Geofffrion Rebecca German John Glynn Victoria Goddard Hilary Gonneville Garrett Goodfellow Grace Goodfellow Paige Goulet Samuel Govoni Connor Guerin Allison Guest Julia Hamlin Brian Hann Kasey Harty Tyler Havey Myles Hayman Tyler Hazard

Whitney Hazard Tori Henry Jaclyn Higgins Jennifer Hoadley Kylie Hogan Colin Hokanson Brody Hollett Janelle Hopkins Anna Horning Brendan Howes Erin Hurley James Jamilowski Nathaniel Johnson Morgan Johnston Alexi Jones Kayla Kaufmann Brianna Kearney Shawn Keene Nicholas Kennedy Kenneth Kinsella Shon Koren Madison Kremer Sarah Lake Melanie Lalonde David Langan Brendon Larocque Chelsea Laughlin Kelsey Lawrence Patrick Lawrence Andrew Lefavor Rebecca Legere Ryan Lewis Brianna Lohr Nicholas Lorino ‘Sarah Lowry Tomas Maciel Hannah MacDonald Dlivia MacLeod Nichole Magnant Sarah Mandy Alicia Mangelson Emily Mann Amanda Mark Reed Maxim Catherine Maxwell Alexis McCauley Thomas McEntee Sarah

McGee Jonathan McGonagle Jake^^^^^^^^^^McGrath Catherine McKenna Megan McMahon Kevin McNally Jessica ^^^^^^^^^^BMcVay Rachel Mehmel Cady Melillo Sidney Miller Adam ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Millham Brian Millham Joseph

Millham Dennis Mills Tyler Moffa Jared Morrill Michelle Morrisey Meghan Mosher Christina Murphy Christopher Murphy Shannon Murphy Alexandra Nobile Joshua Noonan Leah Noonan Christian D'Brien Connor D'Brien Connor Oleary Ryan Oldfield Joshua Olsen Katie Owen Madison Palmer Morgan Pell Mariah Pennington Chadwick Petipas Samantha Petracca Kelsey Philpott Nicholas Polidor Marinna Raucci Abigail Raymond Elizabeth Reardon ‘Guinevere Reilly ‘Grayson Renfrew Samuel Rice Graham Ridosh Haley Ries Vinicius Rodrigues Adam Roellke‘ Adana Romano ‘Kohl Trevor Romeiser Madeline

Rose Gabrielle Ryan Aaron Sadosky Jeremy

Samoluk‘ Amanda Seale John Semle‘ Brett Silva ‘James

Silverman Alexander Simpson Jennifer Siranosian Erin Skala Daniel Smallidge Anthony

Smith Ashley Smith Stephanie Smith Ashley Solari Chloe Solomon Victoria Spink Christopher Sprague Zachary Starck Michael Stergis Terah Strauss Jacob Sullivan Julia Sullivan Timothy Sullivan Chelsea Sutton Michael Svirsky Nicholas Swenson Maranda Swift Julianne Tatelbaum Kyle Taylor Jacob Teehan Daniel Thiesing Nicholas Tierney Kristen Towey Molly Travers Danielle Trayner Kelly Van Cleef Amanda Vespermann Emma Vitacco Alexander Vrountas Zackery Wagner Ryan Ward David Watt James Webb III James Wegman Kyle Whaples Kimberly Whicher Daniel White Emma White David Whittle Colleen Wick Naomi Wiley Andrew Wilson Theresa Wojnar Michaela Woodell William Woods Alexandra Wright Kevin Wright Zachary Young

Sandwich High Schooi East Sandwich Massachusetts

Class of 2013

Blue Knight Pride


Gregory Altimas

Courtney Alexander

Everybody always used to tell me that high school flies by, but I never believed them. That was freshman year and now I'm a senior. I guess I believe them now. Thank you to all the friends that I've made the past 4 years. Special thanks to my parents and my brothers for all their support, you guys are the best! Tar, Moe, J, LeeshaEt my hockey girls, thank you for everything. I love you and don't know what I'd do without you all!! "Every day is a great day for hockey." Buh Bye Sandwich High

Samantha Anderson

Cassandra Andreotti

Stephanie Andrews

Things aren't always as they seem: turn them on their side for a new perspective:

"Cello, it's a bass!"

Field hockey all four years - ACL champs and practice in the rain.

Thank you to all my friends for helping me get through Sandwich High.

Over the years I've found our time here should not be measured by the perfection in our memories but the amount of memories we have created. Each day has only contributed in creating the person I am today, and I would not trade a single memory. Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way and a special thank you to Danielle, Jake, Mom, Dad, my brothers, and the slacking six for always being there for me: My experiences would not have been the same without you.

Good luck class of 201 3

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching. Love like you'll never be hurt. Sing like there's nobody listening. And live like it's heaven on earth." William W. Purkey.

Thanks for these two awesome years In SHS. I'm very grateful for all the friends I've made here. Also, a special thanks to my sister and mom for always being there for me through everything!

Jennifer Allen

"I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." -Mewtwo

Alexander Baker

Sarah Balkam

Jessica Barnaby

Jason Barrette

I am intimidated by the fear of being average " - Taylor Swift. I think we all can relate. I don't think that our lives have been average. We're all different people who relate. Thank you Jamie Smith. Marinna Raucci. Emma Vitacco, Brianna Kearney, Mariah Pennington, and others. I will miss you all deeply next year. Thanks Mom, Dad. Steve, Brian, and Peter for being my foundation for 1 7 years. Thanks to all who have helped me. I am nothing without you. Remember, no matter where we are, we're always close at heart. I won't forget the days spent by the beach.

I figured something out. The future is unpredictable." - John Green

Nicole Austin

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you" -Dr. Seuss High school is the place where you start to discover who you are. I am thankful for everyone I have met these past four years who helped me find out who I am, and who will help me continue to do so as I start the next chapter in the crazy book we call life.

Kelsey Belcher

Elizabeth Bestford

"And in the end my friend we will all be together again." I've been contemplating for the past hour what word best describes these past four years. I've decided to choose hilarious. Looking back, in almost every picture I'm in, I am laughing. It goes to show how truly happy I have been. I want not only to thank my family but also the slacking six, let the good times roll ladies. Victoria, Julianne and Cassandra- 1 hope I've impacted your life as you have mine. Class of '1 3 wherever life may carry you remember, take it easy

Riley Barrows

Britney Bazinet

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon

These past four years have gone by so fast. I never thought I'd say that about school. Thank you to all the staff at SHS. and a Big Thank You to all my friends; you know who you are Zach, you’re my best friend and always will be. I wouldn't have wanted to spend high school with anyone else.

Jonathan Blake

These past four years have been unforgettable and I couldn't have asked for a better teenage experience.

I have wound up with one of the best groups of friends around and I wouldn't change them for anything. Throughout the years watching friends come and go has changed a lot of outlooks for us all. I would like to thank my mom and dad for always counting on me and keeping me going on a successful path. I will never forget the weekends spent with my best friends along with our inexperienced ideas and ways. "Walking on a cloud look up and see my footprints"

Congratulations Class of 20 1 3 I We did it I

Andrew Bourque

For the arms of the wicked shall be broken in pieces: but the Lord shall strengthen the just - Psalm 36: 1 7. Cullan, Jimmy, Joe, Adam, and Brian, Thank you for standing there by my side.


Kiana Bowe

My years at Sandwich High School were eye opening. They were the last four years you have left to be a kid. Even then, you have a lot on your plate to prepare for wherever you travel once you graduate. After graduation. I am joining the US Marines and attending Basic Training as soon as possible. I can't wait to serve our country. I plan on attending college after I get off active duty as well. I would like to thank my family for standing by my post-high school decisions: the support will be what gets me through those rough times. I know I will be successful and happy in my future with the plans I have for myself, and I can't wait to start the rest of my journey.

Michael Brownell

Thank you Mom, Aunt Jen, and Kristen, for everything you have done tor me, especially in the last two years. You've always been there for me.


"Life is short, smile while you still have teeth. Be happy, not because everything is good, But because you can always find the good side of everything. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It simply means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections".

Thank you to my family for encouraging me to achieve my goals. Friends, you are so special to me. Thank you all for these unforgettable four years filled with laughter and great memories!

Eve Brickley

"Feelings change - memories don't" Thanks Mom and Dad for all your support. Katie, Taryn, and Erin I don't know where I'd be without you.

Drew Buckland

Rachel Brown

Class of 201 3, it hasn't always been easy, but it has sure been fun.

"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold" - Rascal Flatts

Candice Burke


"Nature's first green is gold, "Progression not perfection.'

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower:

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay."

-Robert Frost

Nathan Cabral

"MOM ! ... the Meatloafl!"

Shake and Bake Ricky!!

Madison Burke

Matthew Butchard

Hailey Butler

John Byrne


Erin Cahill

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

-Chinese proverb

Varsity Soccer . . . Basketball at the Oak Crest . . . Kate . , . Baker, Kevin, Garritt, and Lucas ... My Odyssey . . . Lord of the XBOX ... No Fear

Hayli Cairns

Colin Caristi

I would like to thank my friends and family for being so helpful and supportive. Love you guys!

Paxton Caristi

Mitchell Carolan

1 would like to thank my family, friends, and teachers for their tremendous support. Without it, I would not be the individual I am today.


Hannah Carrita

There are some in this world who have strength of their own, never broken or in need of repair. But there are some born to shine who can't do it alone, so protect them and take special care." Thank you to Mrs. Lindholm, for setting my feet on this path so many years ago. KTC 2000-2008. Sometimes you're the star, sometimes you're in the mission-but it's always better than being in the audience.

Ryan Catania

True terror is waking up and realizing this class is going to run the country some day.

Thanks, everybody.

Heather Case

"You are who you are because of the people who surround you; Family, friends, teachers, coaches, churches, and even people you don't know. All of these people influenced you to be who you are today, unique." I want to start off by thanking my Mom, Grandma and Bumpa for everything you have ever done for me. My friends, Caroline, Michaela, Rachel, Janelle and Hailey for showing me what a true friendship is: and to all my teachers and staff of Sandwich High School for pushing me to the best of my ability. Congratulations class of 201 3, we did it!

Bryan Chambers

The past four years have flown by, filled with more memories than I could possibly recount. I'm honored to say that I surrounded myself with the best and the brightest. I owe any success I've had or will have to all of you, truly. Once we cross that bridge a whole new world of opportunity will open for us. Follow your curiosities and interests, wherever you end up you won't be disappointed. We'll all come back, though. Who could ever leave the salt air and summer nights for good?

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door" -Milton Berle

Morghan Casino

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow" Thank you Mom and Dad for helping me over the years, giving me your guidance, and being the best parents that you could be. The Whites, for everything, you're my second family. Emma, my best friend, you've always been the shoulder I could lean on. No matter where life takes us, our friendship will last forever. S.S, H.M, T.W, J.S my greatest friends I'm so lucky I met you guys, you made my high school experience unforgettable. P.W for all your

support and encouragement always. I love you all. Congratulations Class of 2013, and good luck!

Yao Chen



John Clancy

Mary Connolly

Lauren Chicco

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do." ~ Helen Keller

Gabriela Christian

I would like to thank, first and foremost, my parents, for always supporting me. Also, a tremendous thank you to my friends, who have made my entire life quite the adventure. Since my school years were split, a shout out to my Maine friends: Tori, Sam, Meg, and Katie: and of course, to the Sandwich ones: Jess, Amanda, Sarah, and Kristen: as well as anyone else who has ever shared a laugh with me. I couldn't have made it this far if it weren't for all these incredible people in my life. As always. Just keep swimming~

Alexander Clifford Julie Collins

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths," I have been through so many unforgettable experiences with so many special people throughout high school Thank you to the Varsity cheerleading team for a special bond which I will never forget and to my favorite cheerleading girls Sarah D. Kelsey P. Madeline R, and Kayla K. I will always remember the memories we made and all the great times we shared together on the team. And a special thanks to my family, especially my mom and dad. for always supporting me throughout these past four years.


John Costello Kelly Costello Daniel Cowick

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful." This famous line stated by Eric Thomas in the inspirational video, "How Bad Do You Want It? (Success)." needs more than one hundred words to be completely embraced. If you have a passion that you want to be successful in. you need to be willing to make as many sacrifices as it takes to succeed without getting any money out of it. Because what is its purpose in your life if you say it's your passion, but you don't show passion for it?




Amanda Cox Claire Creedon Scott Crocker

Thank you SHS for a really weird four years and for all of the Deuces friends and memories I have made during them.

Shout out to my slacking six: you ladies are the funniest, craziest, weirdest people I have ever met, but I am so glad I did because my high school career would not have been half as fun If you guys were not a part of it, you ladles keep me so young!

Cliche or not, we made it class of 2013! No matter what your plans are post-graduation, just remember: "Whenever they say it can't be done, remind them that they make a jellybean that tastes exactly like popcorn." - John Mayer.

Everybody told me how fast high school goes by, and I never believed them until now. Thanks to my Dad and Carrie for all the help and motivation they gave me. Thanks to all my friends: PPP, Z, Nater, Oldfield, Buckland, Riggz, Alex, Tori (one of the guys), Leah and Cnor.

Emily Crowley Jonathan Cubetus Cameron Cullotta

Thank you to my friends and family who make "To be great is to be misunderstood." everyday worthwhile. And to Leeanne for - Ralph Waldo Emerson

being hilarious

"Today is not preparation for tomorrow, today is the main event." - Leo Babauta

1 1

Leeanne Cummings

Brian Daly

Henry Daniels-Koch

From the good times - Sophomore skit. Running on a dominant XC team, to the bad times - Freshman

skit. Twilight Meet junior year I love you guys.

Thank you to the XC and Track Team, Infa, my homeroom, my friends and all my teachers for my excellent high school experience.

"What you put into it, is what you get out of it," is a philosophy that certainly sums up my last four years.

Kyle Currier

Flere's a tip of the ol' hat to those who have helped me through these four long years we know as the stereotypical Fligh School Experience. Thanks for all of your help, through the best and worst times. Groovy times at The Friday Show, Special Wednesdays, TV Club, IS, Countless Bonfires on the Beach, Philosophy Club, Long nights down in Mexico, and many, many more. Where do we go from here? We just buckle down and keep living > through life. "When you look through the years and see what you could have been, oh what might have been, if you'd had more time." -Supertramp

Sarah Deane

"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory". I have made so many memories throughout my four years at SFIS. A special thanks to my amazing family, the Perugias, Julie, Rachel, Shannon. B.I.D.C, and the varsity cheer girls. Thank you for making my high school years unforgettable!


Michael DeCoste

Cullan Demianczyk

Michelle DeLuca

\ Evan Denmark

J Class of 20 13,

[ IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING. Go out and change the I world. Find what you love, chase your dreams, and i do whatever you want. Right now! Not tomorrow, I today! Set your goal and do it! No matter what I anyone says, you can do anything Believe it Set the I, bar higher, do something that has never been done . before. Yes. you can.

Michael Deptula

Emily Desmarais

"All of us get lost in the darkness: dreamers learn to steer by the stars."

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson Much love to my brothers the Millhams, Andrew Bourque, James West, Pat Foxy, and James Jamilowski: high school wouldn't have been the same without the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Always remembering the good times in APUSH, big thanks to Ms. Luck and the entire class for the best year of school. If I were born a few months earlier, I would've voted for Romney.

Thank you to all my friends and family. Also, Thanks to my parents and brothers for pushing me to do my best. Thanks to my older brother, Tom, for giving me something to look forward to after high school.


David Donahue Jr.

Shane Doherty

"Sugar Shane", A big sports fan. Most memorable times were keeping score for the JV baseball team. Very special thanks go out to Coach Neil and Mr. Dintino. Highlights of the four years were any history class taught by Mr. Franke, Mr. Linehan or Mr. Brothers. Plans after high school are to go to college and be happy. Thanks Mom, Dad and Brady for always being there. Pet peeve: People who don't get it....

It's crazy to think we're already seniors. The past four years are unforgettable. I couldn't ask for better friends, we seemed to always find a way to have fun in such a boring town. I want to thank my mom and dad for staying by my side throughout this entire journey, I love both of you very much. I also want to thank Mrs .Hite & Ms. Viglas for all the help you guys gave me.

Lisa Duerr

Griffin Dunkley

Meagan Eccleston

These past four years at SHS have been unforgettable. I cannot even begin to describe how grateful I am toward everyone who has made a difference in my life. With the combination of family and friends, I have been given the most dependable set of guidance I could have asked for. You have all shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you so much, you mean the world to mel

First of all I have to thank my family for being so caring and supportive, you guys have helped shape me into who I am and I know for a fact I'd be lost without all of you. Also. I can honestly say I wouldn't last a day without my best friends Sarah Pomeroy and Lauren Pappalardo, I love you both so much. I want to thank anyone who has impacted my life in any way at all. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to learn something new from everyone I've met so far in my life, especially everyone who welcomed me at Sandwich when I moved here junior year. Moving definitely tested my self confidence, and anyone who went out of their way to be nice to me made a huge difference. Best of luck to the class of 2013,1 hope you all end up exactly where you want to be Love you all!


Garrett Esborn

We do have a lot in common.

The same air, the same Earth, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different,

...well, who knows?"


Catherine Felicetti

"It sure left its mark on us, we sure left our mark on it" -Jason Aldean

I cannot believe these last four years went by so fast! Thank you to Mom, Dad, and Sophia for everything you have done for me! And to all my friends at Sandwich and all the girls (and boys) on the swim team- thank you for all the memories- you have all made these last four years amazing! Good luck class of 20 1 3, "Go, live your dream." -Tangled



Eric Fagerberg

Oliver Fisher

I wish I took my senior picture.

Riley Faherty



Sarah Fishman

Is mayonnaise an instrument?


Katherine Flynn

'There are no regrets in life, just lessons" Thank you Dad, Mom, Allie, Tom, Kelly, and Kevin for always supporting me and believing in me. Thanks to my friends for always being there for me Thanks to all my coaches for helping me reach my full potential. To my teammates all the memories we shared throughout the seasons will never be forgotten. Hockey is what got me through these four years and l?m so grateful to play with all of you. Love you Ladies! Congrats class of 20 1 3 and good luck!

Taryn Gaffney

I'd like to thank my family for always supporting me and continuously encouraging me to excel even when I fail. I love you so please try not to forget about me while I'm gone. I'd also like to thank my friends- my second family, I will miss all of you but I know you'll each excel in great ways making us all proud so I'm not too worried. And Jerome, I wish everyone could have someone who is as supportive, loving and driven as you are- but too bad for them because I'm not sharing. See you on Birches. -T

Kylie Foster

"I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry."

- Unknown

I want to thank Scott, Gabby and my parents for helping me get to where I am today, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you all. I love you guys !

Olivia Gagnon

High school is a roller coaster, emotionally, mentally, and let's be honest, physically as well since we can't sleep in. Thanks to the support from my friends, family, and teachers, I have been able to keep my sanity. High school was a great experience overall, though, from field trips to the beaches along Cape Cod in freshman year science class, to the Senior Retreat. I have also enjoyed being a part of Tech Crew, working my way up to props manager. I will miss everyone dearly, and though people in your life come and go, I can keep these great memories forever.

Patrick Fox

I'll never forget all the memories made here at Sli SHS, Thanks to Mr. Franke, Mrs. Hite, and all of my friends who helped to make me who I am today. (You know who you are). International Studies, keep doing what you do best: making Mondays survivable. Good luck to everyone ’Sc who comes after me. I hope they have just as much fun playing the dart game, high-fiving friends, and learning a lot about myself as I did. It's been real, SHS.

Kristina Gajdarikova


Catherine Gaudet



j Four years: the amount of years I spent playing a 1 sport I enjoyed, enrolling in classes that were not j just math and science, and learning to express I myself. The time I have spent at SHS has made me i into someone who knows how to Carpe the Diem. I I want to thank everyone I have met at SHS, to those I I have grown close to and called friend: thank you for I the wonderful bonds we shared. There is no one I time I can look back on and say this was the best : time ever! Every moment at SHS was the best.

Erin Gendreau

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

-Walt Disney

I would like to thank my friends and my family for always being there for me and helping me to become the person I am today.

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

Lucas Geoffrion

I didn t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me" - Tupac

Madison Gale Laman

Stop this train

want to get off and go home again can't take the speed it's moving in know I can't but honestly

won't someone stop this train So scared of getting older 'm only good at being young

"The focus of my life begins at home with family, loved ones and friends. I want to use my resources to create a secure environment that fosters love, learning, laughter and mutual success. I will protect and value integrity. I will admit and quickly correct my mistakes. I will be a self-starter. I will be a caring person. I will be a good listener with an open mind. I will continue to grow and learn. I will facilitate and celebrate the success of others."

-Merlin Olsen Mark 9:23

Jacob Ganley

Kenna Garrison

Rebecca German

"You have brains in your head. You have feet In your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go."

Dr Seuss

Love you Mom, Dad, Bryan, Kelly, Friends, and The Truck <3

John Glynn

Boy oh boy where to start. Aaron, Mac, newt, ceej, lance, Rick, murph the time has gone by way too fast. We spent our summer on the beach and I made the best memories of my life with you guys. Friday nights we are the first people in the parking lot for every home football game. We always know how to have a good time. There is never a moment hangin with the guys that we are bored. I can't wait to spend this summer with the boys again. Wwwoooooohhhhhoooo

Victoria Goddard

"It's sad but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye."

Thank you to everyone who has affected my life these past four years.

Hilary Gonneville

Garrett Goodfellow

Grace Goodfellow

These past four years have been filled with memories that will never be forgotten, I want to say thanks to my friends, they have been with me through the best and worst times Thank you Alex Vrountas, for always being there for me and helping me realize that I am much more capable of achieving my goals than I think I am. Thank you to all my teachers who have helped me push past my boundaries. I want to say a special thanks to my family. Mom. Dad. my sister Hannah and my brother Zachary, you all have been there for me and I could not be more grateful.

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."-Walt Disney

"I believe that everything happens for a reason People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

-Marilyn Monroe

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope foi tomorrow." -Albert Einstein


Paige Goulet

Samuel Govoni

Connor Guerin

"Those school girl days of telling tales and biting nails are gone,

but, in my mind, I know they will still live on and on. But how do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume?

It isn't easy, but I'll try

If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high,

'To sir with love'," -Lulu, "To Sir With Love"

High school has been an eventful four years. Along with all of the stresses that school brings there has also been so much enjoyment. Participating in clubs like International Studies and Key Club and doing Lacrosse and Cross Country have really helped me to cultivate my interests. All of the friends I have made over the past four years have only contributed to the amazing experience that I've had, I would also like to thank my parents for all their love, support, and for putting up with all the stress that has accompanied my high school years.

Always look on the positive side of negatives. Thanks to my family especially Uncle Jeff for all your support and encouragement. Mom, Nana and Mike I couldn't have gotten here without you guys, thanks for everything, James, thanks for always being a true friend. Thanks to Mrs. Hite and Mrs. Duffy for all you have done for me at SHS. Good luck Alex and Jacob, make the most of your time at SHS: it goes by quick.

Allison Guest

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". Mom. Dad, and Kristen thank you for everything. So many good times with all my friends through out the years. My laxy ladies. I'll miss all of you. Special thanks to Leah, you're my best friend.


Julia Hamlin

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

... and also thank you to my family and all my friends, who have helped me make it through.

Brian Hann

Thank you to my family, my friends, and my teammates: without whom these four years in high school would not have been as enjoyable. I would also like to thank my teachers and my coaches who helped push me to my very best "For myself, losing is not coming second. It's getting out of the water knowing you could have done better. For myself. I have won every race I've been in". ~lan Thorpe


Kasey Harty

Tyler Havey

Td rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

I would like to thank my amazing parents for working with me. I love you both very much: words can't even describe how thankful I am. Thanks to my brother Ryan for always accepting me and being there for me. Good luck at Sturgis. Katie Smith, my sister for life. I wouldn't trade one second of our memories together for anything in the world. I love you and your family May our friendship live on. If there's one thing I've learned, it's always to be yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks, because the original is worth much more than a copy. Goodbye, Sandwich High School.

Tyler Hazard

"This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going.

I'm not afraid because I know this is my Temporary Home." -Carrie Underwood. My four years at SHS have graced me with a second home, powerful memories, amazing friendships, and quite possibly the best homeroom buddy ever. I will forever cherish, and never forget, my time in these hallways. I would like to thank my entire family for always being supportive, my wonderfully inspirational teachers, and my fantastic friends who always made me laugh. Good Luck Out There, Class of 20 1 3!

Not that you'll need it )

Whitney Hazard

"Days like these, they go by way too fast."

To say that high school flew by is an understatement. It feels like yesterday that we stepped through the mam doors for the first time Thank you. Mom, Dad. and Jeddy, for your constant encouragement. Throughout high school I have kept old friends and made news ones, but it is my true friends who have kept me sane this entire time. Thank you all for putting up with me. From the pasta dinners and movie nights, to the bonfires and vacations, you have truly made the last four years memorable.

Tori Henry

"The truth is, you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed." -Eminem

Family, friends., blah blah blah. The good times: | BIDC, hooplas, T.Bs garage, fab 5. wardys basement, I JVcheer, Claire's, skate park. etc. I love you Brett thank you for making these four years unforgettable,

Jaciyn Higgins

Thank you mom&dad for letting me finish out my senior year at SHS. Mike, thank you for always being there for me. Sarah, I can always count on you to be there when I need you. Abbison, I couldn't ask for a better best friend I can always count on a good laugh with you. To everyone else, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for all the amazing memories over these past four years. Congratulations class of 2013!

Colin Hokanson

When I think back to my freshman year, I think of the nervous, socially awkward freshman who walked into our luscious orange-themed auditorium for the first time, eager to join KTC's Tech Crew, and then look at the confident, and slightly less awkward senior who has held the reins as Light Master for three years, and has a circle of friends to be proud of. To everyone who's been along for the ride, thank you, it's been a blast. Oh, and just to say what everyone was thinking, one hundred words wasn't quite enough. Lancer